Both corporations have comparable in size robots, different mechanisms of movement and growth. The American fighter has a height of about 4.5 meters and moves on two caterpillar carts. His Japanese rival is half a meter below and moves on 4 rotary wheels. There are differences in the armament.

The cost of almost three-ton (9000 pounds) offspring Suidobiashi was about 1 million dollars, and four-ton (12,000 pounds) fighter company MegaBot cost creators at 175,000 dollars.
It is interesting that the hand-to-hand fight of the giants should become an obligatory part of the duel. The parties have not decided on the place of the match, but most likely it will be a neutral territory, where the producers will deliver their fighters. The American side recognizes the advantages of the creation of Japanese designers, but hopes for the remaining year to significantly improve the characteristics of his fighter.