The new patent describes a manually initiated photograph using a wearable device on the head. In other words, for photography it will be enough to make a so-called frame from fingers in the field of view of the camera built into the wearable device. At the same time changing the position of the fingers, the user can perform framing, shoot in portrait or landscape mode and even take pictures of a circular shape.
However, to monitor the position of the hands the system must be constantly active, which, in turn, will not have the best effect on the energy efficiency of the device. The new technology, probably, will find its application in the next generation of Google Glass.

By the way, sources say that the following Google Glass will receive a large display, an improved Intel Atom processor and increased battery life compared to its predecessor. Also new glasses will receive support for Wi-Fi 802.11ac with 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz channels. According to one version, Google Glass Enterprise Edition will be targeted to the corporate market, rather than to ordinary consumers.